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Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Racism Today - Still Exists But at the Forefront

With the election of Obama certainly racism, is still an issue, The difference is now it is on the forefront of our mind and the fear that has resided in each, is clear. Believed or not Racism is not ending it just took some steps towards progress.

With that though the challenge seems to be that now that we have both a Mayor and a President of the United States of Diverse Descent, making it clear that it is improving yet with change comes thos who do not want to see the change, who still hold Prejudice even if Extreme.

Still there are those, who feel that anything that is different on the outside even if the same blood flows through their veins we all breathe the same air. We all live and die regarddless of how it goes down. So the determining factor apparently for those who feel that anything that looks different on the outside must be bad and should be removed from existence. Of course just in that statement there is false information, a skewed view of existence that still resides in some based on their prior programming and the power of association.

With all these changes perhaps that will also be improved but with anything it will take time, the hope is that in the generations to come such prejudice will be forgotten or with the Commander and Chief being of African Descent and a mayor who is the same. In that there will be hopefully clarified and there would be more acceptance of what was once thought to be so different.

With this more accepted a wider range of view will become apparent and the acceptance more then it once was. Perhaps in that fact we shall see that things can improve and they will.

And on such change, the dream of Martin Luther King is hoped & realized and improved upon. It is merely a matter of the start and the continuation. Four years and perhaps eight could be what will help such realization come about. What are your thoughts?

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Setting Goals -- Do You?

Through your life, do you take the time to set goals in place, for the weeke ahead for the month ahead? For that matter, what are your views on goal setting?

Certainly many questions but it is because there are so many views that I wonder, each person has their own ideas about what goals are and if they are worthwhile to them. The fact of the matter is though they can be quite important in our life now and in the future.

To improve the possibilties as they stand would you take the time to write them down now and in this moment?

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Catching Up Post Obama Election

Seems like it was a good matchup and Michelle Obama does seem to solid. What are your thoughts on this First Lady Elect?

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Watching Oprah because it caught my attention that she is putting together quite a concert as the closing event of the day. Amazing Isn't It?

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Thursday, October 30, 2008

Observing the Excitement of Ubuntu 8.10

As I look at and note how many people are escaping Microsoft or at least beginning the journey from something so widely held for so very long as the only Operating System because no other was pre installed. I realized that the reason Microsoft has held the market for so long is simply because they took the time to damn near insure that you were using the Microsoft O/s and I realized that so many people were trapped and made to believe that Microsoft O/s was the only way.

Then things started to change, the open source movement began to gain momentum, the alternatives were becoming more and more stable, and the ease of the install was constantly improved. And now just this day Ubuntu, one of the more popular variations of Linux, released v8.10 and called it Intrepid Ibex that offered a new level of user customize-ability and ease of use.

Not to mention this was all post Vista which in itself just made Microsoft all the more tart and annoying, with the lack of Drivers, the new interface a whole new experience. And then the Circus begin talking about how great Vista was and how everyone should have it. Today though consumers have hopefully become more educated in the alternatives such as Ubuntu and the other variations of what is Linux. A recent commercial for Mac made it pretty funny with the PC caricature hitting the buzzer or bell or whatever it was each time Vista was mentioned, course there was a preconceived bias as it was a Macintosh Commercial but it does hold true don't you think?

The fact that Vista has been more trouble then most end users feel it is worth, more and more just stayed with XP or any of the earlier revisions of Windows. To add insult to injury, and to promote more people buying one of the most annoying Operating Systems, Vista, there was recent news of discontinuing support for XP to sell more Vista. Except for the fact that XP is far more stable, for some reason Vista is still being promoted. So removing support for XP and offering Vista as the only one that support will be offered for was supposed to do what? To speed conversion, I don't think so but that is one opinion. There could be many reasons why the removal of support for a stabler version of the Operating System was removed, any ideas why?

All of this and there is talk of a Windows 7 being beta tested, in hopes of improving on this Vista annoyance that have become nearly a standard issue. Annoyances dot org has some great insight on Vista Issues, and a recent news article on Annoyances mentions that…y-now.aspx Microsoft finally admitted to the fact that Vista has it's problems. And yet more people have started using it or have they. My guess is most have stayed with Xp as it's stability is more difficult to match in comparison to Vista.

The point being the time of Closed Source is gone the future seems to be inline with an open source world, what are your thoughts?

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Saturday, August 30, 2008

Realizing the Extent Of Censorship Today

As I was writing an entry on Internet Censorship, twittering and pinging, I figured I would take some time to do a thorough search on how widespread censorship is in this day and age, surprisingly more then you may of thought...

It's late more is coming soon, read more tomorrow, for now you can check out the state of Censorship within the forums @…/index.php share your views and I will add them to the continuation tomorrow. Takes a few minutes to register and your set. For Now I sleep, tomorrow I continue will you be reading?

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Wednesday, August 27, 2008

New & Exciting Updates

Brand new and further improved iDiscuss Forums @ And the story continues onward with additions of new entries @ &

And that is only the beginning the objective is to do a complete redesign of the site and explore the possiblities beyond that moment, any suggestions?

The Pets in your Family Pics and Stories

Just added a new area to Home Of Knatchwa on Family Pets, that includes pictures and bio's. How about you, your pets, do you have them? Let's see a photo or two explore what each can relate too.

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Advocacy & Safety on Bicycling...Views?

I just added a new entry to the Journey by Bike Blog on Advocacy & Safety, on an accident I had and the lessons I learned. It can be found @

Any other cyclists out there?

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Tuesday, August 26, 2008

What is with this Cow

Yeah I am one of the noobies :) I will admit it, must have quite the history behind it, share it for all us noobs :) A picture is worth a thousand words so did you save a copy?

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Monday, August 25, 2008

is watching join in
Come Check out Twitter @ or add me as a friend @ or share your views @

Friday, August 22, 2008

Cycling as an Experience

The wonders of cycling with family and commuting is a great thing. What do you think? Do you ride?

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Underage Probe

Any Views or excessive? Share it.

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Doping Any Reason?

Doping, even when illegal? Your thoughts?

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Thursday, August 21, 2008

McCain & Threatening Letters

Do You consider that as Freedom of speech or terrorism

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Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Georgia, Russias Iraq?

Do you think that Georgia, is Russia's Iraq? When you consider the facts as they stand what do you think of it? If you have views would you want to share them? If so why don't you in the each should share their view to understand better the current Electoral Circumstance as mentioned in the Politics Area of Home Of Knatchwa to be informed is the real key to progressing beyond now, beyond this moment. Come take the journey of exploration, the result a better understanding of the Electoral Process, and how we each can do our part to improve the worldwide outlook.

The Next Steps:
  1. Share your voice @
  2. Explore Political Areas @ Home of Knatchwa Politics & The Political Asylum
  3. Come back better informed and Share your Views in the Forums and Repeat.
Pretty simple right? Then get started, I look forward to your responses and we will see if we can get the ball rolling on solving this story.

Olympics 2008 MTB Finals

Share your views and interpretations

Favorites or Views?

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Thursday, August 14, 2008

The Journey By Bike - Stories & Tales: The Bicycle Tourers Diet - An Introduction

The Journey By Bike - Stories & Tales: The Bicycle Tourers Diet - An Introduction

When you speak on diets you get some interesting responses this is only one and there is more to come. What is your view on this matter? Share it in the Forums.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Fasting - Still Valid

made it a point to explore as an option a fast for a day, like Gandhi and his journey. As I understood it, it helps cleanse the body, improve who I am and expand the mind. So just the other day I gave it a try, and I kept to it from the morning until the evening. That night I finally ate something and I wonder in doing that was the objective defeated? Or was it simply valid, because from the morning to that night all I drank was water and coffee.

Surprisingly I even took about an hour bike ride with only water in my system. In that I realized that I felt lighter and as a result seemed to ride quite quickly. Although my speed was nothing to exciting, I made the mileage, the time of course is dependent on my pace, and natures variables. Considering that head wind or tail wind can dramatically improve cycling time as well as speed. So though the time is not really a good indicator, it offers an example of a ride with nothing in the system besides water.

In a sense it was also an exploration of the Shamans and spiritual quests of old, though when I look back on it, as hindsight is 20/20, and I think back on some of the books I have read about the Spirit Quest, the journey of a medicine man into the wilderness to find guidance usually within a matter of days with only water to sustain himself. That has been something I have wanted to do for so long, to truly experience that. As a city slicker though, a person who has remained in the city for so long I wonder sometimes if I have forgotten the skills so constant many generations back. To get away from technology, to get away from the hubbub that is city life. Still it is an objective, something I will do in the coming days. Though for me it would be by bike in it's journey a true immersion into days past. To step up and step out and seek that deep guidance otherwise lost with life in the city.

Monday, June 30, 2008

SOHH Site Hacked - Prejudice?

What kind of stupidity gives a person a reason to return to the prejudices once thought lost and gone, prejudice today it seems even if thought to have been emancipated still exists. It is a sad Story to say the least, there is much growth we as a society must do to insure awareness of the diversity of our civilization. To explore prejudice as it stands today.

Read More ...

And offer your feed back in the comments.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Sanity, What is it?

Essays: Sanity - Essays - Helium - by Ray Marr

You ever take the time to think what is sanity, what it entails, what it means to each person? The attached essay is one view what is yours?


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Tuesday, March 4, 2008

To Realize the Fact

It has been a long time since I entered anything here and it is apparent the lack of interest due to little or not advertising. Simple as it may seem I have not written here because I have been busy with my domain and as such have not really had the time to update.

The good news though is the fact that I am improving more and more now. Implementing a time management strategy. A good exercise routine. And constantly making sure I strike a balance in my life.

The wonders of the day are continually improving, and I must say that most certainly makes it interesting. We can go from here, and look at the future. What do you see when you look forward?

Friday, January 25, 2008

To Be Awake All Hours of the Day?

For myself, sometimes I seem most receptive to creative energy in these early morning hours. It is in those moments I have the opportunity to focus, clarity of the juncture in the deep silence each morning. Besides the fact that as of late it has become a constant, a habit formed by a choice made. It is these hours from 2a until 5a in the silence of a sleeping home, all but me, experience REM sleep. These hours I often become more receptive to the possibilities and more apt to think as the writer that I am. Receiving the abundant creative energy through my undertakings. As the hours pass one by one it seems some of my best compositions are a result of this silence.

Whether it be interpretive the fact is reinforced when I review the writings so meticulously compiled, articles or stories, as I review the message within each. Perhaps it is just the silence, the eternal quiet, that enables the ability to become my focal point in hours otherwise reserved for sleep. Thoughts and ideas readily apparent, of the words not said, otherwise ideas that are dear to my basic principles in life and living. As I focus forward and put the plan into action these same principles become a foundation for the articulate story to be as I continue with my project. Future Focus for those who I care about now and those who are not yet a part of this world, the generations to come. My hope, my goal, is that one day in the near future as one more generation comes into being, that these writings will serve as guidelines for a life lived fully. For those in generations to come to strive to excellence, to once again put the plan to action and do.

Those who I care for, who I have touched in one way or another, are and will continue to be my inspiration, for the hours spent at the keyboard, for the time writing on the paper. Those who I have touched and those who I shall touch as time moves forward. To truly make a difference in their chosen life, to plant a seed and observe as it comes to fruition. A legacy that will last the generations now and then. That is my journey, a choice made a curve ball hit out of the park, a life aspiration under constant improvement. Making a difference in the life of those who I care deeply about, and those who I care for if only in passing.

To persist in my life aspiration, is the very least I can do for those who have known me and have yet to know me. Day in and day out, all the hours morning evening or afternoon. I can only hope, by reading this I will touch your heart & soul, so you to can be my inspiration to keep on keeping on through the ups and downs of the roller coaster of life. Focus Forward and Grow with Me. The future is bright and in you reading this it becomes brighter by the moment.

Thanks for your time and your thoughts and comments are appreciated.

- Ray 0552 012108

Monday, January 7, 2008

And The Holidays

They have come and gone and this year has brought about much pain from January losing Panda, a tuxedo cat. To the last few months in this year from November to the New Year, a kitten lost over a tough holiday season.

Still I continue in existence and in understanding that the future still remains bright in my eyes. And still I ride on!

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